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伦敦交响乐团演奏《柴可夫斯基D大调小提琴协奏曲作品35》Tschaikowsky Concerto in D for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 35 高品质无损古典音乐下载[APE/CUE/BD]

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柴可夫斯基D大调小提琴协奏曲全集 Tschaikowsky Concerto in D for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 35 无损古典音乐下载
音乐专辑:柴可夫斯基D大调小提琴协奏曲全集:Tschaikowsky Concerto in D for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 35
艺术家: Itzhak Perlman / London Symphony Orchestra / Alfred Wallenstein
发行厂牌: Sony Classical
数据存储: 百度云网盘多线加密存储
资源类型:APE格式高品质无损音乐 - APE/APE整轨 - 无损古典音乐资源
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【柴可夫斯基D大调小提琴协奏曲曲: 作品35】,这首乐曲是浪漫乐派作曲家:柴可夫斯基( Peter I.Tchaikovsky 1840-1893,俄国)受到了拉罗作曲的《西班牙交响曲》的激发而作的。作于1878年,柴可夫斯基的D大调小提琴协奏曲曲以近乎折磨主奏小提琴而闻名。因为协奏部是气势雄厚、色彩丰富的管弦乐,主奏小提琴必须将绚烂的近代演奏技巧发挥得淋漓尽致,才足以与之抗衡。虽然柴可夫斯基的作品含有俄国民谣色彩,常充满哀愁的优美旋律,然而这小提琴协奏曲曲是一个活泼充满青春气息的作品。它温柔的歌唱着青春,歌唱着生命,展现了俄罗斯人民的乐天知命民族性。这首乐曲当初连柴可夫斯基的老师都不接受,然而历史最终证明这是伟大的音乐杰作。它与贝多芬 D大调 Op.61 ,布拉姆斯 D大调 Op.77,孟德尔颂的e小调op.64 并称为世界四大小提琴协奏曲曲。

与帕尔曼合作演奏柴可夫斯基D大调小提琴协奏曲曲的指挥家阿尔弗雷德.华伦斯坦(Alfred Wallenstein,1898—1983),美国指挥家、大提琴家。生于芝加哥,曾经担任芝加哥交响乐团、纽约爱乐乐团首席大提琴手。


大提琴家兼指挥阿尔弗雷德·沃伦斯坦(Alfred Wallenstein)是他的乐器的神童,后来成为美国两个最好的乐队的首席大提琴家。作为指挥,他定期通过广播制作音乐,利用“空中平台”表演被忽略的作品以及当代作曲家的作品。
  沃伦斯坦(Wallenstein)可能拥有杰出的血统:他的奥地利父亲是沃伦斯坦伯爵(Count Wallenstein)的后裔,沃伦斯坦在欧洲17世纪的政治舞台上扮演着至关重要的角色。他出生后不久,一家人搬到了洛杉矶。八岁时,阿尔弗雷德(Alfred)由他的父亲给了大提琴,并开始与作曲家FerdeGrofé的母亲上课。在与朱利叶斯·克伦格尔(Julius Klengel)进行进一步研究之后,他在洛杉矶首次亮相,并迅速获得了儿童神童的声誉。通过Orpheum剧院网络游览该国之后,他回到了加利福尼亚,并在17岁时被任命为旧金山交响乐团的成员。随后,他与著名的舞蹈演员安娜·帕夫洛娃(Anna Pavlova)订婚,在南美和中美洲巡回演出中担任大提琴独奏。
  1919年,Wallenstein加入了洛杉矶爱乐乐团,成为该乐队最年轻的成员。沃伦斯坦(Wallenstein)在1922年与芝加哥交响乐团(Chicago Symphony Orchestra)交往后,回到了他的出生城市,在弗雷德里克·斯托克(Frederick Stock)的指挥下经常担任独奏家的角色,并在芝加哥音乐学院任教。1929年,阿图罗·托斯卡尼尼(Arturo Toscanini)聘请沃伦斯坦担任纽约爱乐乐团的首席大提琴手,直到1936年意大利指挥离开该乐队之前,他一直担任该职务。在许多最重要的大提琴协奏曲中,沃伦斯坦也经常被视为独奏家。他还从托斯卡尼尼(Toscanini)那里得到了忠告,建议他以杰出的音乐家身份担任指挥,而不是继续担任乐器演奏家。
  Wallenstein的Sinfonietta和弦乐交响曲在音乐品质方面走上了高潮。恢复了许多被忽略的大师作品,并为新作的作品举办了听证会,并吸引了成千上万的观众。除了定期的管弦乐队节目,他还参加了几个特别的系列音乐会。其中一个在周日晚上听到,专门播放约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)的音乐。另一个在周六晚上听到的节目提供了莫扎特的歌剧,其中有些对美国观众来说并不熟悉。第三个系列介绍了当代美国合唱作品,莫扎特的钢琴协奏曲中还有钢琴家纳迪亚·赖森伯格。
  Wallenstein的客串演出包括克利夫兰,费城,洛杉矶和NBC乐团的演出。Columbia Records与Wallenstein发行了几首莫扎特作品,指导他的Sinfonietta。1943年,他回到洛杉矶爱乐乐团担任音乐总监,此职位一直任职至1956年。1968年,他加入茱莉亚音乐学院任教,并于1971
  年成为管弦系主任。在他的指挥生涯中,瓦伦斯坦经常陪伴一些世界上最杰出的艺术家,例如阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦(Artur Rubinstein)和贾沙·海菲兹(Jascha Heifetz)。
  在二十世纪后期和二十一世纪初,伊扎克·珀尔曼(Itzhak Perlman)被公认为是在公众面前领先的小提琴家之一,毫无疑问,在唱片,广播,电视,电影露面。没有其他的音乐会小提琴家和其他认真的音乐家能达到Perlman所拥有的广泛曝光度和知名度。
  伊扎克·珀尔曼(Itzhak Perlman)于1945年8月31日出生于特拉维夫。四岁时,他患了小儿麻痹症,这使他的双腿永久瘫痪,一生都只能依靠拐杖和牙套。尽管有障碍,年轻的Itzhak还是开始在小提琴上展现才华,他的父亲理发师Chaim很快意识到儿子的非凡能力,并安排他在特拉维夫音乐学院上课。很快,伊扎克(Izhak)开始举办音乐会,并引起整个以色列的关注。美国电视人才经纪人埃德·沙利文(Ed Sullivan)了解了佩尔曼的能力,并将这名13岁的男孩带到纽约,参加1959年在他的星空大篷车秀中露面。
  珀尔曼和他的父母随后在纽约市居住,年轻的演奏家继续引起人们的注意。他就读于茱莉亚音乐学院,并与伊万·加拉米安(Ivan Galamian)和多萝西·德莱(Dorothy DeLay)一起学习。他于1963年在卡内基音乐厅举行了F调小调的Wieniawski协奏曲首次正式亮相,随后赢得了Leventritt比赛,其中一项大奖是在纽约爱乐乐团露面,然后由伦纳德·伯恩斯坦率领。
  在取得这些胜利之后,佩尔曼(Sol Hurok)接任了指挥官,并在接下来的几年中在美国,欧洲,亚洲和以色列举行了大量音乐会。他还开始使用RCA进行录音,并最终与EMI,Sony,Teldec等签订了合同。在接下来的三十年中,他的唱片将包括贝多芬,勃拉姆斯,西贝柳斯,门德尔松,伯格的协奏曲,普罗科菲耶夫的两首协奏曲,柴可夫斯基的钢琴三重奏,德沃夏克的索纳蒂娜,帕加尼尼的随想曲等。1966年,佩尔曼(Perlman)与托比·弗里德兰德(Toby Friedlander)结婚。这对夫妇将居住在曼哈顿上西区,在那里他们将抚养五个孩子。佩尔曼(Perlman)也开始教书,并于1975年在布鲁克林学院(Brooklyn College)任教。
  1994年,Perlman在PBS网络上主持了一个名为“三张男高音,再来一次!”的节目,其中包括演唱Luciano Pavarotti,PlácidoDomingo和JoséCarreras。1995年,他还为PBS大型演出系列(在提琴手之家中)制作了电视特别节目。佩尔曼最近开始指挥他的音乐会,包括2000年在波士顿交响乐团的坦格伍德音乐节演出,其中包括成功演奏了莫扎特第29号交响曲和勃拉姆斯第4号交响曲。

Cellist and conductor Alfred Wallenstein was a prodigy on his instrument, and later became the principal cellist in two of America's finest orchestras. As a conductor, he made music over the radio on a regular basis, using that "podium of the air" to perform neglected works and those written by contemporary composers.
  Wallenstein could boast of a distinguished lineage: his Austrian father was a descendent of Count Wallenstein, who played a crucial role in Europe's seventeenth-century political arena. Soon after his birth, the family moved to Los Angeles. At age eight, Alfred was given a cello by his father and began lessons with the mother of composer Ferde Grofé. Following further studies with Julius Klengel, he made his debut in Los Angeles and swiftly gained a reputation as a child prodigy. After touring the country through the Orpheum theatre network, he returned to California and, at the age of 17, was appointed to the San Francisco Symphony. Subsequently, he was engaged by the famous dancer Anna Pavlova to perform as solo cellist in a South and Central American tour.
  In 1919, Wallenstein joined the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, becoming that ensemble's youngest member. Engaged by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in 1922, Wallenstein traveled back to the city of his birth to perform under Frederick Stock, often as featured soloist, and to take up a teaching position at the Chicago Musical College. In 1929, Arturo Toscanini engaged Wallenstein as principal cellist of the New York Philharmonic, a post he held until the Italian conductor's departure in 1936. There, too, Wallenstein was frequently presented as soloist in many of the most important cello concertos. From Toscanini, he also received the advice that he employ his exceptional musicianship as a conductor rather than remaining an instrumentalist.
  In 1931, therefore, Wallenstein entered the conducting phase of his career by directing for a radio broadcast. The year following, he was appointed leading conductor for the Hollywood Bowl and, in 1933, he began conducting his own Sinfonietta on New York's radio station WOR. In 1935, he was made the station's music director.
  Wallenstein held to the high road in matters of musical quality with both his Sinfonietta and the Symphony of Strings. Many neglected masterworks were revived and newly composed works were given a hearing, given exposure to audiences numbering in the hundreds of thousands. In addition to his regular orchestral programs, he undertook several special series. One, heard on Sunday evenings, was devoted to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Another, heard Saturday evenings, offered the operas of Mozart, some of which were not familiar to American audiences. A third series presented contemporary American choral works and yet another featured pianist Nadia Reisenberg in the piano concertos of Mozart.
  Wallenstein's guest appearances included those with the Cleveland, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and the NBC orchestras. Columbia Records issued several Mozart works with Wallenstein directing his Sinfonietta. In 1943, he returned to the Los Angeles Philharmonic as its music director, a post he held until 1956. In 1968, he joined the faculty at the Juilliard School of Music, becoming head of the orchestral department in 1971.
  During the latter part of his conducting career, Wallenstein often accompanied some of the world's most distinguished artists, such as Artur Rubinstein and Jascha Heifetz.
  In the latter twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, Itzhak Perlman has been acclaimed as being among the leading violinists before the public, and, without doubt, has been the most visible of them in media venues, from recordings and radio broadcasts to television and film appearances. No other concert violinist and few other serious musicians have achieved the widespread exposure and popularity attained by Perlman.
  Itzhak Perlman was born in Tel Aviv on August 31, 1945. At the age of four he was stricken with polio, which caused permanent paralysis of his legs, leaving him to rely on crutches and braces for the rest of his life. Despite his handicap, young Itzhak began showing talent on the violin, and his father Chaim, a barber, quickly recognized his son's unusual abilities and arranged for lessons for him at the Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Soon Itzhak began giving concerts and attracting attention throughout Israel. American television talent agent Ed Sullivan learned of Perlman's abilities and brought the 13-year-old to New York for a 1959 appearance on his Caravan of Stars show.
  Perlman and his parents subsequently took up residency in New York City, where the young virtuoso continued to attract attention. He enrolled at the Juilliard School of Music, studying with Ivan Galamian and Dorothy DeLay. He made his official debut in 1963 at Carnegie Hall with a performance of the F sharp minor Wieniawski Concerto and went on to win the Leventritt Competition, one of whose prizes was an appearance with the New York Philharmonic, then led by Leonard Bernstein.
  After these triumphs Perlman was taken on by impresario Sol Hurok and given a heavy schedule of concerts in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Israel over the coming years. He also began making recordings with RCA and would eventually sign contracts with EMI, Sony, Teldec, and others. Over the next three decades, his recordings would include the concertos of Beethoven, Brahms, Sibelius, Mendelssohn, Berg, the two by Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky's Piano Trio, Dvorak's Sonatina, Paganini's Caprices, and many others. In 1966, Perlman married Toby Friedlander. The couple would reside in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, where they would raise five children. Perlman had begun teaching as well, and in 1975 took a faculty post at Brooklyn College.
  Perlman's fame grew rapidly in the 1970s and he began appearing regularly on television programs, like the children's show Sesame Street, The Tonight Show, David Letterman, and various specials on the PBS network. He also became a frequent performer at White House events, especially during the Reagan administration. In 1986, President Reagan awarded him a Medal of Liberty, an award recognizing the contributions of foreign-born Americans. By 1990 Perlman had performed with virtually every major orchestra in the world and with almost every important conductor. He also signed a new contract that year with EMI, the label for whom he has made the most recordings.
  In 1994, Perlman hosted a program on the PBS network called the Three Tenors, Encore!, that featured the singing of Luciano Pavarotti, Plácido Domingo, and José Carreras. He also made a television special in 1995 for the PBS Great Performances series entitled In the Fiddler's House. Perlman has recently taken up conducting, his concerts including a Tanglewood Festival performance in 2000 with the Boston Symphony Orchestra that included critically successful readings of the Mozart Symphony No. 29 and the Brahms Symphony No. 4.
  In the twenty-first century, Perlman's career continues to yield him triumph after triumph, placing him among this age's top five or six musicians in the classical realm.

古典高品质无损音乐 - 古典音乐专辑:

Conceto in D for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 35
1.Capriccio Italien, Op. 45
2.Andante Cantabile, Op. 11
3.I Allegro moderato
4.II Canzonetta (Andante)
5.III Finale: Alegro vivacissimo
6.March Slav, Op. 31

Lossless Classical Music 无损音乐格式古典音乐打包下载:




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