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[无损音乐格式] PentaTone 美女姊妹花演奏 柴科夫斯基 1840 - 1893 芭蕾组曲 双钢琴 古典音乐打包下载

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  PentaTone(美女姊妹花演奏) 柴科夫斯基(1840-1893) 芭蕾组曲(双钢琴)

Mari Kodama & Momo Kodama - Tchaikovsky: Ballet Suites for Piano Duo (2016) [DSF WEB]
柴科夫斯基 芭蕾组曲(改编给双钢琴演奏)

Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) 彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基
Transcribed by: Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943), Anton Arensky (1861-1906), Eduard Leontyevich Langer (1835-1905), Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
Artists: Mari Kodama (b.1967) (piano) 儿玉麻里
            Momo Kodama (b.1972) (piano) 儿玉桃 or 桃小玉
Genre: Classical, Romantic Era, Piano
date: 18th Nov 2016
Files Size: 2.51G

柴科夫斯基 芭蕾组曲(改编给双钢琴演奏)
1.  国际知名的日本钢琴姊妹花儿玉麻里(Mari Kodama)和儿玉桃(Momo Kodama)活跃于古典乐坛多年,但都是以各自独立奋斗为主线发展,这专辑是她俩首度合作的录音出版,难得和珍贵。
2.  柴科夫斯基的传世芭蕾舞曲原是以管弦乐形式演绎而为乐迷认识和接受,这专辑特别挑选由阿连斯基(Anton Arensky)改编的[胡桃夹子(Nutcracker)],拉赫玛尼诺夫(Sergey Rachmaninov)和德彪西(Claude Debussy)分别改编的[睡美人(Sleeping Beauty)]和[天鹅湖(Swan Lake)]的双钢琴演奏版本,因改编者有着不同的性格和对这些永恒经典的理解,钢琴演奏予人有一种新鲜,特别和更亲切的感觉。
3. 儿玉姊妹的演奏顺滑流畅,起伏明确铿锵,音色抒情亮泽,加上接近无瑕的默契,创造出一个美乐专辑。

Together for the first time in the recording studio, the sisters Mari and Momo Kodama are on scintillating form in these lively arrangements of music from Tchaikovsky’s ballets Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty and Nutcracker. In another first, the release contains the first ever recording of Arensky’s transcription of the timeless Nutcracker together with notable arrangements by Debussy and Rachmaninov.

“Tchaikovsky was really the first composer to combine a broad sweep of ballet music with a great story,” the Kodama sisters write in their introduction to the release, “before that, it more resembled a compilation of pieces…in all three works there is folkloric and popular music. He has the great skill to make such vivid colours and textures on a large canvas… This makes his orchestral works very special.” “Our challenge was to use just two pianos … to bring the same sense of scale,” they write, “with just two pianos the atmosphere is more intimate, it brings a different quality to the music. And the composers who made the transcriptions brought their own personality to bear on the works. So we tried to reflect that in our playing.”

The sisters Mari and Momo Kodama both pursue busy international careers. Momo specialises in French and Japanese composers and 20th century and contemporary composers; she has been widely praised for her ‘attractive, lyrical tone’ and ‘technical brilliance’. Mari has established an international reputation for profound musicality and articulate virtuosity; she has recorded extensively for PENATONE, including an acclaimed cycle of the complete Beethoven piano sonatas.

Mari Kodama is a Japanese pianist, sister to pianist and duo partner Momo Kodama, and spouse of conductor Kent Nagano. She was born in Osaka, and due to her father's travels, she was raised in Germany, France, Switzerland, and England. At age 14, she entered the Paris Conservatory, studying piano with Germain Mounier and chamber music with Geneviève Joy-Dutilleux. In 1984, she gave her debut performance in Japan, followed quickly by performances in Europe and the United States. She has played at various music festivals, such as the Mostly Mozart Festival, the Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival, Music Days at Forest Hill, and other international festivals in Lyon, Montpelier, Salzburg, Aix-en-Provence, Aldeburgh, San Francisco, Sapporo, and Gmunden. She has performed Beethoven's complete Piano Sonatas in a series of recitals in Los Angeles and Pasadena, and recorded them for PentaTone Classics.

儿玉麻里(Mari Kodama),生于大阪,6岁时随家迁居欧洲。1981年,她进入法国巴黎高等音乐学院,师从Germaine Mounier学习钢琴、Genevie Joy-Dutilleux学习室内乐。在日本成功举行首演后,她在伦敦的首演同样成功,当时她与伦敦爱乐合作演出的是普罗科菲耶夫第三钢协。儿玉麻里在许多国际大赛都曾摘得桂冠,包括Jeunesses Musicales de Suisse、Viotti-Valsesia国际音乐比赛和意大利的布松尼大奖赛。儿玉麻里以其在键盘上卓越的音乐性和高超技巧建立了国际声望。她的足迹遍及欧洲、美国和日本,不论演奏什么无损音乐专辑曲目,她独特的风格都显得与众不同。

桃小玉(Momo Kodama),日本钢琴家,台湾呼其为:儿玉桃。


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty Suite, Op. 66a, TH 234 (Arr. S. Rachmaninoff) 睡美人(拉赫玛尼诺夫改编)
01. The Sleeping Beauty Suite, Op. 66a, TH 234 (Arr. S. Rachmaninoff): I. Introduction - La Fée des Lilas
02. The Sleeping Beauty Suite, Op. 66a, TH 234 (Arr. S. Rachmaninoff): II. Adagio - Pas d'action
03. The Sleeping Beauty Suite, Op. 66a, TH 234 (Arr. S. Rachmaninoff): III. Pas de caractère - Le chat botté
04. The Sleeping Beauty Suite, Op. 66a, TH 234 (Arr. S. Rachmaninoff): IV. Panorama
05. The Sleeping Beauty Suite, Op. 66a, TH 234 (Arr. S. Rachmaninoff): V. Valse

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35 (Arr. A.S. Arensky) 胡桃夹子(阿连斯基改编)
06. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35 (Arr. A.S. Arensky): I. Ouverture
07. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35 (Arr. A.S. Arensky): II. Danses caractéristiques: Marche
08. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35 (Arr. A.S. Arensky): II. Danses caractéristiques: Danse de la Fée-Dragée
09. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35, Danses caractéristiques (Arr. A.S. Arensky): II. Danses caractéristiques: Le Café
10. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35, Danses caractéristiques (Arr. A.S. Arensky): II. Danses caractéristiques: Le Thé
11. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35, Danses caractéristiques (Arr. A.S. Arensky): II. II. Danses caractéristiques: Danse russe, "Trepak"
12. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35, Danses caractéristiques (Arr. A.S. Arensky): II. Danses caractéristiques: Danse des mirlitons
13. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35 (Arr. A.S. Arensky): III. Valse des Fleurs (Flower Waltz)
14. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a, TH 35 (Arr. A.S. Arensky): III. Pas de deux

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, TH 12 (Arr. E. Langer & C. Debussy) 天鹅湖(爱德华·兰格 & 德彪西改编)
15. Swan Lake, Op. 20, TH 12 (Arr. E. Langer): I. Scène
16. Swan Lake, Op. 20, TH 12 (Arr. E. Langer): III. Danses des cygnes
17. Swan Lake, Op. 20, TH 12 (Arr. E. Langer): IV. Scène
18. Swan Lake, Op. 20, TH 12 (Arr. C. Debussy) Act III: Danse russe (Russian Dance)
19. Swan Lake, Op. 20, TH 12 (Arr. C. Debussy) Act III: Danse espagnole (Spanish Dance)
20. Swan Lake, Op. 20, TH 12 (Arr. C. Debussy) Act III: Danse napolitaine (Neapolitan Dance)

TT: 63:32

发表于 2017-4-28 12:02:09
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蛮好的古典音乐, 以前我有个音质很差的版本。
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