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[SACD古典音乐] Julia Fischer《柴可夫斯基:小提琴协奏曲、忧鬱小夜曲等》[SACD][3.5G]

专辑英文名: Tchaikovsky : Violin Concerto, Serenade melancolique, etc.
专辑中文名: 柴可夫斯基:小提琴协奏曲、忧鬱小夜曲等
艺术家: Julia Fischer
古典类型: 全集作品
资源格式: SACD
发行时间: 2006年11月21日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

★德国Fono Forum杂誌:音乐与录音五颗星最高评价
★英国留声机杂誌当月编辑严选专辑Editor’s Choice
★美国独立网站Classics Today:艺术性与技巧10/10最高评价
★週日独立报Independent on Sunday:五颗星最高评价
★双层多声道,一般CD Player均可播放
★DSD Recorded
  1983年出生於慕尼黑的德国女小提琴家茱莉亚‧费雪,父亲是来自东德的数学家,母亲则是来自斯洛伐克的德国人。茱莉亚四岁不到就开始学小提琴,稍长也随母亲学钢琴。她先在奥格斯堡(Augsburg)的雷欧帕德‧莫札特音乐院接受正式音乐教育,九岁获准进入慕尼黑音乐院,在教授Ana Chumachenco门下学琴。茱莉亚在青少年时期曾参加过许多音乐比赛,最受人瞩目的就是1995年的国际曼纽因音乐大赛,她以十二岁之龄拿下青少年组第一名,同时获颁最佳「巴哈独奏作品」特别奖。接下来五年茱莉亚参加多项比赛更是屡获佳绩,之后她的足迹遍佈欧洲各地,和她合作的指挥与乐团也相当多。2003年茱莉亚在大师马捷尔带领巴伐利亚广播交响乐团之下在卡内基首度登台,终场获得全场起立致意的最高荣耀。此外,茱莉亚也是英国留声机Gramophone杂誌2007年的年度最佳艺人。
  2004年,茱莉亚‧费雪在PentaTone Classics旗下录制首张个人专辑「俄罗斯小提琴协奏曲辑 (PTC5186059)」,发行之后大获好评,并获得留声机杂誌2005年一月号的「编辑严选专辑Editor’s Choice」,也入选美国TAS发烧天碟。自此茱莉亚在演奏舞台之外,展开一帆风顺的录音工作。到2010年为止,她在PentaTone已发行十张录音,曲目包括巴哈、莫札特、孟德尔颂、舒伯特、布拉姆斯和柴可夫斯基等作品,可说是张张精采,同时获得乐迷和乐评的青睞。
  每一位小提琴家必挑战的四大小提琴协奏曲,茱莉亚‧费雪在PentaTone Classics已完成两首。本辑这首录於2006年的柴可夫斯基,茱莉亚细腻的运弓、强劲的力道与优美的旋律线,标準的费雪演奏风格铺陈下,在在展现出此曲令人感动的元素。优异无比的录音更是如虎添翼般,为本辑带来百分百的聆乐享受。(PentaTone/Lins)
1-3. D大调小提琴协奏曲Op.35
4. 忧鬱小夜曲Serenade melancolique Op.26
5. 詼谐圆舞曲Op.34
6-8. 忆怀念之地Souvenir d’un Lieu Cher Op.42
小提琴:茱莉亚‧费雪Julia Fischer
钢琴:克瑞兹贝格Yakov Kreizberg
Russian National Orchestra
Hybrid Multichannel
Plays on All SACD and CD Players
PentaTone TAS名盘系列 - 茱莉亚‧费雪演奏柴可夫斯基:小提琴协奏曲、忧鬱小夜曲等 / 茱莉亚‧费雪、克瑞兹贝格(指挥) (SACD)
Tchaikovsky : Violin Concerto, Serenade melancolique, etc. / Julia Fischer, Yakov Kreizberg & Russian National Orchestra (SACD)
唱片公司:PentaTone Classics
进口专辑 / SACD / 1 片装
柴科夫斯基 [给小提琴及乐团作品选]
Tchaikovsky : Works for Violin & Orchestra
Julia Fischer(小提琴)
Yakov Kreizberg (钢琴/指挥)
Russian National Orchestra
PTC5186095 (1 disc)
值得推荐的一位演奏者-茱莉亚.费雪 - 小提琴与钢琴双栖演奏家
茱莉亚.费雪,小提琴、钢琴、宾雪 指挥 德意志青少年爱乐
Julia Fischer, Matthias Pintscher, Junge Deutsche Philharmonie
PentaTone 茱丽雅.费雪(Julia Fischer)&克列兹贝格/柴可夫斯基:小提琴协奏曲etc.
年纪轻轻已於国际乐坛站稳一席位的女小提琴演奏家茱莉亚.费歇尔(Julia Fischer),1983年出生於德国慕尼黑,母亲是钢琴家,父亲是数学家,从小受母亲的音乐薰陶,4岁开始学习小提琴,12岁时於”梅纽因音乐比赛荣获冠军(Yehudi Menuhin International Violin Competition)”,成为夺目耀眼的提琴新星。国际音乐媒体形容费歇尔的基本技术非常札实、深厚,演出时表现冷静及专注,但有著个性化的特质等,创造出一个独特的小提琴演奏家的形象。她曾获多个国际性音乐大奖包括,「2007年年度音乐家大奖(Artist of the Year Award 2007)」、「2009年嘎纳古典音乐节年度独奏家大奖(Instrumentalist of the Year" at the 2009 MIDEM Classical Awards)」,成绩日渐蜚然。费歇尔与已故的俄国指挥家雅科夫.克雷兹伯格(Yakov Kreizberg)以钢琴及指挥伙拍”俄罗斯国家管弦乐团(Russian National Orchestra)”於2006年合力带来柴科夫斯基(Peter IIyich Tchaikovsky)给小提琴及乐团作品选,包括:
D大调小提琴协奏曲,作品35(Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35)
B小调给小提琴及乐团的忧鬱小夜曲,作品26(Sérénade Mélancolique for Violin & Orchestra in B minor, Op. 26)
给小提琴及乐团的詼谐圆舞曲,作品34(Valse-scherzo Op. 34 for Violin and Orchestra)
忆怀念之地,作品42(Souvenir d'un Lieu Cher Op.42)
此专辑亦入选编辑推介、—管弦乐之选(Orchestral Choice),多个国际音乐媒体一致好评,最传神的演绎,配合最传真、专业的DSD发烧录音制式制作,带来最值得欣赏的美乐之选!
PentaTone PTC5186 095
Julia Fischer,violin
Yakov Kreizberg,piano (6-8)
Yakov Kreizberg (1-5) & Russian National OrchestraPentaTone PTC5186 095
Julia Fischer,violin
Yakov Kreizberg,piano (6-8)
Yakov Kreizberg (1-5) & Russian National Orchestra
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 – 1893)
Violin Concerto in D, Op. 35
1 Allegro moderato 18. 05
2 Canzonetta (Andante) 6. 44
3 Finale (Allegro vivacissimo) 10. 04
Sérénade mélancolique, Op. 26
for violin and orchestra
4 Andante 9. 27
Valse – Scherzo, Op. 34 for violin and orchestra
5 Allegro (Tempo di Valse) 7. 46
Souvenir d’un lieu cher, Op. 42 for violin and piano
6 Méditation 9. 17
7 Scherzo 3. 15
8 Mélodie 3. 22

Release Date 2006
Duration 01:08:21
Genre Classical
Styles Concerto
AllMusic Review by Mike D. Brownell [-]
The Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, though not widely appreciated in its time, has come to be one of the crown jewels of the violin concerto repertoire. As such, it has been recorded hundreds of times by as many violinists and various orchestras. In contrast, the miniatures also included on this album are rarely heard; this is truly a shame as they were written before (with the exception of the Op. 42 Souvenir) the concerto and allow listeners to listen in on Tchaikovsky's experimentation and exploration of the instrument before he began writing the concerto. Equally interesting, the Meditation movement of the Op. 42 Souvenir was originally written as the slow movement of the concerto but was later pulled and made into the first movement of the three miniatures.
Violinist Julia Fischer has received extensive accolades and keeps musical company with some of the most prominent performers and conductors of our day. She does not fail to live up to her reputation in this recording. Her sound is deep and throaty, a wonderful quality for this concerto. Fischer's technique and intonation are seamless, and her musical passions shine through in each risk-taking track. For the oft-recorded concerto, however, she does not bring anything new or revolutionary to the table. So while this album is highly recommended for its collection of miniatures and suitable as a first recording of the concerto, listeners who may be seeking something a little fresher may wish to check out Joshua Bell's recording with Michael Tilson Thomas and the Berlin Philharmonic.
Performer: Julia Fischer, Russian National Orchestra, Yakov Kreizberg
Audio CD (November 21, 2006)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: Hybrid SACD - DSD
Label: Pentatone Music
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
5.0 out of 5 starsExtraordinary ! Beautiful, Lyrical, Exciting
By Bruce Zeisel on April 2, 2007
Format: Audio CD Verified Purchase
First and formost, Julia Fischer reaches into the song, the soul of the music to give us the most beautiful rendition I ever heard. Her tone can only be characterized as jewel-like set within a golden aura. It is not a silvery tone, it is rich, golden but with kalidescopic highlights of a million colors.
With all this she has a steely assurance and an ability to "dig in" to the strings (without the ugliness this usually implies) and works up huge creschendos and plays bravura passages with uncommon urgency. Kreizburg and the orchestra are one with this outstanding musicianship and provide ideal accompaniment - they play as partners actually, more than as accompanists.
Not very long ago Viktoria Mullova declared she had excised the Tchaikovsky from her repertoire because the musical rewards do not justify the effort required of the soloist! Agreeing with her, I thought I had tired of work but decided to give this a listen having heard Fischer give a phenomenal performance of the Beethoven in Baltimore last spring. Well I am not tired of it when its played like this!
As to the recorded sound quality, I listened to it as an SACD. In additon to the 5 channel surround layer I listened to there is an SACD stereo layer and a CD layer. I understand the stereo is not mixed down from the multi-channel mix but is a totally separate, but simultaneous recording.
The "surround" sound actually centers the listener about 7 or 8 rows back from the stage in an acoustic that is spacious and clear, but unlike in stereo the reflected sounds from the side and back walls come from behind and to the side of you. It sounds very much like actually being in a concert hall. While the dynamics and power of the orchestra are striking, the interplay of soloist and orchestral musicians is simply beautiful to hear. This is a very natural sounding and wonderful recording.

Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35
1. I. Allegro moderato
2. II. Canzonetta: Andante
3. III. Finale: Allegro vivacissimo
Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky: Serenade melancolique, Op. 26
4. Serenade melancolique, Op. 26
Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky: Valse-scherzo, Op. 34
5. Valse - Scherzo, Op. 34
Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky: Souvenir d'un lieu cher, Op. 42
6. No. 1. Meditation
7. No. 2. Scherzo
8. No. 3. Melodie
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