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[闲聊音乐] 慢摇小清新系列28.Gilbert O'Sullivan.Alone Again(Naturally).

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本帖最后由 wangjy 于 2019-6-6 22:01 编辑

Gilbert O'Sullivan.Alone Again(Naturally)_600.jpg


Alone Again (Naturally)是爱尔兰音乐人Gilbert O'Sullivan最知名的一首歌,创作于1972年,当时占领美国公告板单曲榜冠军位置长达六周。

虽然年代久远,但回到1972年,Gilbert O'Sullivan肯定是当之无愧的慢摇小清新,现在且算作经典慢摇小清新吧。

Alone again, naturally 自然地,又孤独一人了。这首歌大概讲“他”失恋后的心理活动。“他”被恋人单独留在教堂,然后想到了自杀,又想到当年父母死时的情景。。。

这首歌被很多影视剧用过,2009年在《冰河世纪3》(Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs)中用作插曲,只不过歌词改得幽默了。

In a little while from now. If I'm not feeling any less sour/再等一会儿,若我没能感觉好受些
I promise myself to treat myself And visit a nearby tower/我会向自己承诺对自己好些,拜访邻近的高塔
And climbing to the top, will throw myself off/攀爬至最高处,纵身一跃
In an effort to make it clear to who ever what it's like/以此来向某人呈现
When you're shattered Left standing in the lurch/什么是真正的心碎,留下我孤身一人摇晃着站在教堂里
At a church where people saying my god that's tough/那里的人们都悄声议论着“天哪,这一定很糟糕”
She stood him up no point in us remaining/她就那样站在他的面前,毫无瓜葛
may as well go home as I did on my way,/我们还是回家去吧
alone again naturally/于是就这样,我又成了一个人

To think that only yesterday I was cheerful,/只不过在昨日
bright and gay/我还是开心又阳光的
Looking forward to/前景一片大好
Well who wouldn't do the role I was about to play/我将要扮演的角色
But as if to knock me down/仿佛把我击倒
Reality came around & without so/现实无声地呈现
much as a mere touch cut me into little pieces/不需要多大力气,只是轻轻一碰
Leaving me to doubt talk about/便伤害得我只剩下一堆碎片和一丝怀疑
God in his mercy who if he really does exit/至于仁慈的上帝,如果真的存在的话
Why did he desert me in my hour of need?/为何在我最需要之时将我弃之不理
I truly & indeed alone again naturally/然后就这样,我又一次变成了一个人
It seems to me that there are more hearts/在我看来,这世界上还有许多心灵
broken in the world that can't be mended let unattened/被无情击碎,永不能愈合无人照顾
What do we do, what do we do?/我们能做什么?我们能做什么?

Alone again naturally/只能就这样,一个人过下去

Looking back over the years/多年过后回首再顾
And whatever else the appears/所有发生过的事
I remember I cried When my father died/我记得父亲走时我的哭泣
Never wishing to hide the tears/无暇遮掩自己的眼泪
And at 65 years old My mother god rest her soul/母亲也在65岁时离开了,愿上帝安息她的灵魂
Couldn't understand why the only man/她一直想不明白
she had ever loved had been taken,/上帝为何要将她唯一爱过的男人从她身边带走
leaving her to start with a heart so badly broken/让她只剩下一颗坏死的心
Despite encouragement from me/我的劝慰也是徒劳
no words were ever spoken/一句话也不曾说过
And when she passed away I cried all day/当她最终还是走了的时候 ,整日我只是哭
Alone again naturally/我最终,又只剩自己一个人了


发表于 2019-6-7 01:26:55
发表于 2019-6-7 07:06:44
发表于 2019-6-7 07:18:54
发表于 2019-6-7 11:57:24
发表于 2019-6-7 16:45:10
这首旧歌我竟然是听过的, 但不知何时丶什麽场合听过, 当然也不知道是谁唱丶在唱什麽。

只觉得这歌曲调是如此的欢乐,原来歌词却是如此的悲伤, 黑色幽默吗
发表于 2019-9-4 13:27:11
发表于 2019-9-6 08:59:40
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