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[SACD怀旧金曲] Diana Krall -《The Girl In The Other Room(隔邻的女孩)》- [SACD-R]/CT

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版本: [sacd-R]
专辑英文名: The Girl In The Other Room
专辑中文名: 隔邻的女孩
语言: 英语
音乐风格: 爵士
地区: 美国
Diana Krall一向走安静舒服的钢琴弹唱路线,风格以波普和布鲁斯为主,Diana Krall曾凭借专辑《When I Look In Your Eyes》获得巨大的商业成功,连续52周稳站Billboard杂誌爵士榜首位,而且在当年的格莱美颁奖中赢得了「最佳爵士人声演绎」和非古典类的「最佳录音专辑」奖,并获得「年度最佳专辑」提名,是当年爵士界唯一与Santana、Backstreet Boys等摇滚、流行界巨星角逐此奖项的艺人。
新专辑中除了显示出Diana Krall对爵士乐内涵的理解,还渗入了许多个人的东西:比如I’ve Changed My Address唱的是她以前唱开场的一间爵士俱乐部;Departure Bay包含了对Diana Krall家乡图景的描绘;而像蓝调风格的Abandoned Masquerade、与吉他手Anthony Wilson一起「玩转」爵士的I’m Pulling Through清晰地体现出与歌者往日的浪漫歌曲划清界线。
◎翻唱摇滚奇才Tom Waits名作「Temptation」,翻新现代爵士风貌与摇滚交错横生之深邃想像空间
◎爵士经典名伶Billie Holiday传世金曲「I’m pulling through」、Joni Mitchell名作「Black Crow」、Bonnie Raitt排行佳作「Love me like a man」
当今最具影响力爵士女歌手 格林美最佳爵士歌手 全新感性专辑 魅力重唱Tom Waits的「Temptation」 缠绵演绎Elvis Costello的「Almost Blue」 爵跃推介「Stop This World」、「I’m Pulling Through」 原创 Ballad「Narrow Daylight」、「Departure Bay」‧葛莱美爵士天后戴安娜‧克瑞儿与英国摇滚奇才艾维斯‧克斯提罗两人甫於2003年12 月10日於歌手艾尔顿‧强的自宅完成婚礼,新婚浓情蜜意之时也传出两人将为戴安娜2004年的全新专辑『The Girl In The Other Room』合作演出。
2002曾经到过上海和香港开个人音乐会的加拿大爵士女唱作歌手Diana Krall将於4月27日发行备受乐界瞩目的最新专辑《The Girl In the Other Room》,这张专辑将由著名爵士厂牌Verve正式推出。
Diana Krall的新专辑《The Girl In the Other Room》,是於去年在好莱坞和纽约等地录制的,仍然由Tommy LiPuma任制作人,Diana Krall担任全部歌曲的作曲、钢琴和演唱,并与Elvis Costello合作写词。Diana Krall长期的音乐伙伴Jeff Hamilton、Peter Erskine及Terri Lyne Carrington、Neil Larsen加盟进来担任鼓手,贝司手分别是John Clayton和Christian McBride,再加上Anthony Wilson的爵士吉他,眾多明星均来为其新专辑助兴。
Diana Krall一向走安静舒服的钢琴弹唱路线,风格以波普和布鲁斯为主,Diana Krall曾凭借专辑《When I Look In Your Eyes》获得巨大的商业成功,连续52周稳站Billboard杂誌爵士榜首位,而且在当年的格莱美颁奖中赢得了「最佳爵士人声演绎」和非古典类的「最佳录音专辑」奖,并获得「年度最佳专辑」提名,是当年爵士界唯一与Santana、Backstreet Boys等摇滚、流行界巨星角逐此奖项的艺人。
新专辑中除了显示出Diana Krall对爵士乐内涵的理解,还渗入了许多个人的东西:比如I’ve Changed My Address唱的是她以前唱开场的一间爵士俱乐部;Departure Bay包含了对Diana Krall家乡图景的描绘;而像蓝调风格的Abandoned Masquerade、与吉他手Anthony Wilson一起「玩转」爵士的I’m Pulling Through清晰地体现出与歌者往日的浪漫歌曲划清界线。
在新专辑宣传与筹备期间,Diana Krall与丈夫Elvis Costello联同Elton John一道在温哥华进行了一场规模不大的演出,Elvis Costello少有地随妻子上台并合作了一首歌曲。Elton John告诉观眾:「我是通过Diana Krall才有幸认识Elvis Costello的,他们是我最亲爱的两个朋友。」更值得一提的是,这场只有600个座位的演唱?line;门票高达550到1000美元一张,推出两天已经售罄,最后一张门票在eBay上被以5500美元拍卖走。
在最新录音专辑中,夫婿艾维斯‧克斯提罗与戴安娜共同完成了专辑六首全新歌曲,标题曲『The Girl in The Other Room」有非常鲜明的散文式淡雅优美的旋律,另外她也再次挑战 Tom Waits的『Temptation』,戴安娜将原曲颓废神经质的特色改为轻快浪漫的拉丁气息,让人有如沐春风的爱之喜悦,另外也大胆地翻唱琼妮‧米却儿的『Black Crow』与老牌钢琴歌手Mose Allison的歌曲『Stop The World』。整张专辑的选曲可以说跳脱了传统爵士乐曲的桎梏,迎向另一个音乐的新视野。
Audio CD (April 27, 2004)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: Hybrid SACD - DSD
Label: Verve
ASIN: B0001K9IJ8
Super Audio CD (SACD) of the Day
Diana Krall: "The Girl in the Other Room" (Verve) 2004
Produced by Tommy LiPuma & Diana Krall, includes six original songs the singer co-wrote with her husband Elvis Costello, plus versions of tunes by Tom Waits ("Temptation"), Elvis Costello (his cult-hit "Almost Blue", covered by Chet Baker), Chris Smitter ("Love Me Like A Man"), Joni Mitchell (a vigorous take on "Black Crow"), Mose Allison ("Stop This World") and Arthur Herzog & Irene Kitchings ("I m Pulling Through", my personal favorite track).
This is a Hybrid SACD) Hybrid, which will play in standard CD players. Howver, a Super Audio CD player is required to take advantage of the SACD sound technology.
Recorded at Capitol Studios (Hollywood, CalifUSA) and Avatar Studios (New York), with the typically gorgeous sound quality provided by master engineer Al Schmitt, and featuring: Neil Larson (Hammond B-3 organ only on "Temptation"), Anthony Wilson (guitar), Christian McBride & John Clayton (bass), Peter Erskine, Jeff Hamilton & Terri Lynne Carrington (drums).
It may or may not be significant that Diana Krall s first album of new material since the ascendance of Norah Jones was the former s least jazzy, most pop-savvy album of her career. In any case, it marked Krall s biggest departure of the jazz standards that constituted her previous repertoire, and it contained her first recorded batch of original songs. It s possible that new husband Elvis Costello, who co-wrote all six of those tunes with his wife, was the agent provocateur. It s also feasible that Costello, who has previously recorded Mose Allison material and palled around with Tom Waits, nudged Krall toward such choice selections as Allison s bluesy plaint "Stop This World" and Waits s cocktail rhumba "Temptation." Nevertheless, Krall delivered them--like the rest of the songs here--in a misty, laconic style very consistent with her earlier work. There s no attempt at pop-oriented production here, just the same piano-trio sound that s been Krall s stock in trade all along.
It may or may not be significant that Diana Krall s first album of new material since the ascendance of Norah Jones is the former s least jazzy, most pop-savvy album of her career. In any case, it marks Krall s biggest departure to date; THE GIRL IN THE OTHER ROOM is almost entirely devoid of the jazz standards that constituted her previous repertoire, and it contains her first recorded batch of original songs. It s possible that new husband Elvis Costello, who co-wrote all six of those tunes with his wife, was the agent provocateur. It s also feasible that Costello, who has previously recorded Mose Allison material and palled around with Tom Waits, nudged Krall toward such choice selections as Allison s bluesy plaint "Stop This World" and Waits s cocktail rhumba "Temptation." Nevertheless, Krall delivers them--like the rest of the songs here--in a misty, laconic style very consistent with her earlier work.
There s no attempt at pop-oriented production here, just the same piano-trio sound that s been Krall s stock in trade all along. Ironically, the jazziest tune here is Costello s early-1980s ballad "Almost Blue," previously performed by Chet Baker. Naturally, the new songs also bear the unmistakable stamp of Costello, but no matter how far afield her song sources (Joni Mitchell and Chris Smither s catalogs are drawn on as well), Krall maintains the trademark feel that made her famous.
6 Original Songs + Interpretations
Recorded at Capitol Studios, Hollywood, California and Avatar Studios, New York, New York.
Personnel: Diana Krall (vocals, piano); Neil Larson (Hammond B-3 organ); Anthony Wilson (guitar); Christian McBride, John Clayton (bass); Peter Erskine, Jeff Hamilton, Terri Lynne Carrington (drums).
This is an Enhanced CD, which contains both regular audio tracks and multimedia computer files.Q (p.100) - 3 stars out of 5 - "[T]here s a bolder choice of material....Her playing has loosened up too..."
Mojo (Publisher) (p.97) - 3 stars out of 5 - "Krall is darkly exhilarating in the raucous Mose Allison opener Stop This World, then coolly compelling in Tom Waits Temptation ..."
引用the best yet from Diana krall April 27, 2004
By Olby Ulf
Format:Audio CD
I always thought that Diana Krall was nice to listen to, but with nothing extra that made me buy any records of her. That was until I saw and heard her Live in Paris DVD, where the Canadian singer stepped out from the former slick and almost icy approach and delivered that extra. Suddenly you could feel the warmth in her voice, her ultra sensual charisma came through with full force - I was hooked. Still feel though that her albums are too polished for my taste, I stick with the fantastic live DVD.
Now Mrs Krall has made a studio album that connects to the feeling on the Live DVD. The musical setting is much more intimate than on her previous albums. Basically you have one tight band, where the two most impressive musicians to my ears are Anthony Wilson on guitar and Christian McBride on bass. Diana Krall herself sings like a goddess and plays a very good piano. The songs are a mix of jazz, blues and pop, with a more rootsy feeling than her usual repertoire. There are also a mixture of covers and original songs. The originals are all written by Diana Krall and Elvis Costello, though Costello has only contributed to the music on the majestic title track, otherwise he has stuck to the words. There is a natural flow to the song sequence on the album and the originals stand up very good to the covers.
There are in my opinion no weak songs on the album, and my favourites (today) are the title track (Krall/Costello) and Temptation (Tom Waits).
Audiowise the album is very good recorded and produced. The SACD layer adds that extra HiFi dimension with crispy treble and a deep and tight bass. But the real winner here is clearly the multichannel mix. Diana s vocal is placed in the front channels and center and all instruments are spread in all channels in a rather aggressive but still very tasteful way. In my opinion a perfect 5.1 mix, compared to i.e. Norah Jones Come away with Me which has a very wimpy 5.1 mix. The only negative to say about the sound quality is that from time to time you can hear some harschness to the s-sounds.
Highly recommendable!!
Diana Krall -《The Girl In The Other Room》(隔邻的女孩)[SACD-R] 发行时间: 2004年04月27日 专辑曲目: 01. Stop This World
02. The Girl In The Other Room
03. Temptation
04. Almost Blue
05. I ve Changed My Address
06. Love Me Like A Man
07. I m Pulling Through
08. Black Crow
09. Narrow Daylight
10. Abandoned Masquerade
11. I m Coming Through
12. Departure boy


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发表于 2019-4-7 22:42:31 来自手机
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