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[SACD怀旧金曲] Louis Capart & Duo Balance -《Voyage(远行)》-[SACD-R]/CT

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版本: [sacd-R]
专辑英文名: Voyage
专辑中文名: 远行
语言: 法语
音乐风格: 民谣
地区: 德国

最顶级的录音 最发烧的人声
Stockfisch唱片录音採用二十八位元的类比数位转换器、NAGRA-D等超发烧设备录制,并以B&W NAUTILUS 801进行鑑听。
专辑中收录多首卡巴特的著名作品,如「Floraison」、「Patience」、「Berlin」,还有卡巴特出道成名畅销曲「Marie-Jeanne- Gabrielle」。其中也有数首他人写作的歌曲。其中有趣的是卡帕特还选唱了一曲「Gottingen」,这是描述德国大学城古廷根的歌曲,而古廷根曾经试图独立而未果,与「Berlin」一曲正好形成相互呼应对比。
录音维持Stockfisch一贯水準,而熟识这家唱片公司的音响迷们一定都清楚,那就是指极佳的音质、温暖的音色、恰到好处的人工残响、完美的立体声定位等特色。三人美妙的和声听起来清晰无比,聆听第九曲「Loguivy de la mer」,仅由卡巴特的吉他伴奏,克莉丝汀的和声在左、汉斯彼得的和声在右,真实乾净让人彷彿置身录音空间。这是一张让人可以在任何时刻聆听的优美法语民谣专辑,让人对布列塔尼的海景心生嚮往。
01. Au Large Du Gueveur 海洋悲歌
02. Floraison 花艺家
03. Il Faudra Que Je Me Souvienne 我会记得
04. Marie-Jeanne-Gabrielle 玛莉-珍妮-加布列
05. Berlin 柏林
06. Maintenant Au Jamais 不是现在
07. Göttingen 古廷根
08. Cette Chanson Qui Ne Vient Jamais 从未出现的歌
09.Loguivy De La Mer 永恒的海
10.Différents Mais Tous Pareils 殊途同归
11.Le Présent Têtu 顽固酒吧
12.Patience 耐心
13. Au Large Du Gueveur – Reprise Instrumental 海洋悲歌演奏版
Louis Capart & Duo Balance - Voyage: D une Ile A L autre
Label: Stockfisch Records
Catalog#: SFR 357.4043.2
Format: Hybrid-SACD, Album, Stereo
Country: Germany
Released: 2008
Genre: Folk
Style: Chanson
Connoisseurs will remember: While English is often the native tongue of Stockfisch artists, it was Duo Balance who first published their songs in French and German on this label. Christine Maringer-Tries and Hans-Peter Tries - the couple behind Duo Balance - have for many years had a deep friendship with Louis Capart, singer and songwriter from Brittany.
Friendship can bring about marvelous things: It can stabilize peace between nations (two of the songs deal with Gottingen and Berlin) and it can add valuable experiences to the life of the individual. And in this case - one may add - to the life of the listener, who - as usual with Stockfisch - enjoys a great-sounding recording.
Furthermore, in Louis Capart, he will meet a remarkable singer. The man shown on the cover is one fine specimen of a Breton: with his expressive, weathered countenance, he looks like someone matured in the traditions of his home country and equally at home in the realm of free thinking. The singer Louis Capart is a philosopher whose themes are life (today s and that of days gone by), love the meaning of it all and the search for it. He would certainly not be French if, instead of becoming melancholic, his songs would not show a certain sense of lightness and grace.
And Duo Balance fits into this music congenially, singing together with Louis Capart in perfect harmony: in their soloist parts, as well as performing songs for two or three voices. They are accompanied by some virtuosic instrumentalists creating a relaxed musical collage. This being so because - as Picasso stated - art removes the dust of daily toil from our souls.
This SACD is a must for any music-lover s collection and, not only in summertime, is great to take with you on vacation. And in case your vacation is over, simply go and listen to the album s great final instrumental track with its ocean sounds - and dream of a vacation in Brittany, in Gottingen or Berlin...
Produced and recorded by Günter Pauler
SACD Mastering by Hans-Jörg Maucksch at Pauler Acoustics, Northeim, Germany
Vocal & Guitar - Louis Capart
Vocal - Christine Maringer-Tries
Vocal & Guitar - Hans-Peter Tries
Concert Harp - Johanna Single
Flugelhorn - Iris Kramer
Accordion - Hrolfur Vagnsson
Flute - Ian Melrose
Guitar - Dominik Jung
Upright Bass - Thomas Biller
Fretless Bass - Hans-Jörg Maucksch
Louis Capart & Duo Balance -《Voyage》(远行)[SACD-R] 别名: 2008 发行时间: 2008年 专辑曲目: 01. Au large du Gueveur
02. Floraison
03. Il faudra que je me souvienne
04. Marie-Jeanne-Gabrielle
05. Berlin
06. Maintenant ou jamais
07. Gottingen
08. Cette chanson qui ne vient jamais
09. Loguivy de la mer
10. Differents mais tous pareils
11. Le Present tetu
12. Patience
13. Au large du Gueveur - Reprise
Total playing time, 54:17


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