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[无损音乐格式] Glossa 亨德尔 1685 1759 歌剧 小加图 2CD 古典音乐打包下载

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4无损音乐格式古典音乐冷门 -  Glossa亨德尔(1685-1759)歌剧 小加图(2CD)

Carlo Ipata - Handel: Catone (Pasticcio, London, 1732), HWV A7 (2017)
亨德尔: 小加图(混成歌剧, 伦敦1732年首演), 作品编号: HWV A7

Composer: George Friedrich Handel (1685-1759) 乔治·弗里德里希·亨德尔
Artists: Sonia Prina (b.1975), Catone [contralto] 索尼娅·普里娜, 饰演小加图[女低音] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonia_Prina)
            Riccardo Novaro, Cesare [baritone] 里卡尔多·诺瓦洛, 饰演恺撒[男中音] (http://www.riccardonovaro.com/)
            Roberta Invernizzi, Emilia [soprano] 罗伯塔·因弗妮吉, 饰演艾密莉亚(庞培的妻子)[女高音]
            Kristina Hammarstr?m, Arbace [mezzo-soprano] 克里斯蒂娜·哈马尔斯特罗姆, 饰演阿尔巴斯[女中音]
            Lucia Cirillo, Marzia [soprano] 露西亚·因弗妮吉, 饰演玛齐亚(小加图的女儿)[女高音] (http://www.luciacirillo.com/)
Ensemble: Auser Musici (意大利比萨)声乐和器乐合奏团
Conductor: Carlo Ipata 卡洛·艾帕塔
Genre: Classical, Opera
Year: 2017.02

In music, a pasticcio or pastiche is an opera or other musical work composed of works by different composers who may or may not have been working together, or an adaptation or localization of an existing work that is loose, unauthorized, or inauthentic.

In the 18th century, opera pasticcios were frequently made by composers such as Handel, for example Muzio Scevola (1721) and Giove in Argo (1739), as well as Gluck, and Johann Christian Bach. These composite works would consist mainly of portions of other composers' work, although they could also include original composition. The portions borrowed from other composers would be more or less freely adapted, especially in the case of arias in pasticcio operas by substituting a new text for the original one. In late 18th-century English pasticcios, for instance by Samuel Arnold or William Shield, the "borrowed" music could be Irish or British folksongs.

    列奥纳多·文奇/芬奇(Leonardo Vinci, 1690-1730),
    约翰·阿道夫·哈斯(Johann Adolf Hasse, 1699-1783),
    安东尼奥·维瓦尔第(Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, 1678-1741),
    列奥纳多·莱奥(Leonardo Leo, 1694-1744),
    尼古拉·安东尼奥·波尔波拉(Nicola Antonio Porpora, 1686-1768)

1728年,意大利着名宫廷诗人、歌剧脚本作家皮埃特罗·梅塔斯塔齐奥(Pietro Metastasio,1698-1782)完成了《小加图在乌蒂卡》的脚本,一个复杂、充满激情的古罗马故事。小加图(Cato the Younger) (Cato Minor)全名马尔库斯·波尔基乌斯·加图·乌地森西斯(Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis)(前95年-前46年),是罗马共和国末期的政治家和演说家, 是一个斯多葛学派的追随者,因为其传奇般的坚忍和固执而闻名。小加图比恺撒年轻5岁,政见上与恺撒相左,是个狂热的元老院派,个人感情上也非常厌恶恺撒。公元前48年,庞培(Pompeo)被凯撒击败 ,作为庞培的同盟与支持者,小加图被迫逃亡到北非港口城市乌蒂卡(又译"乌提卡"、"尤蒂卡", Utica),故事就此展开:庞培已死,庞培的遗孀艾米利亚一直想杀死凯撒,为亡夫复仇;小加图希望他的女儿玛齐亚(Marzia)嫁给他的盟友---努米底亚王国的王子阿尔巴斯(Arbace),但不知道他的女儿玛齐亚却是凯撒的秘密情人......结局是小加图不愿在恺撒统治的世界中苟存,甚至拒绝让恺撒享有宽恕他的权力,于是自杀;他的女儿嫁给了恺撒......

1728年,列奥纳多·芬奇(Leonardo Vinci, 1690-1730)谱曲完成,歌剧《小加图在乌蒂卡(Catone in Utica)》在罗马首演;
1729年,列奥纳多·莱奥(Leonardo Leo, 1694-1744)创作的同名歌剧在威尼斯上演;
随后的约翰·克里斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach, 1732-1795)再次根据梅塔斯塔齐奥的脚本又一次创作了同名歌剧《小加图在乌蒂卡》,取得很大成功。

Utica is an ancient city located between Carthage in the south and Hippo Diarrhytus (now Bizerte) in the north, near the outflow of the Medjerda River into the Mediterranean Sea. It is traditionally considered to be the first colony to have been founded by the Phoenicians in North Africa.[1] After the defeat of Carthage by Rome, Utica was an important Roman colony for seven centuries. Today, Utica no longer exists, and its remains are located in Bizerte Governorate in Tunisia - not on the coast where it once lay, but further inland because deforestation and agriculture upriver led to massive erosion and the Medjerda River silted over its original mouth.[2]

For the 1728 season, Metastasio wrote the opera libretto Catone in Utica, a complex and passionate story about the Republican Senator Cato’s refusal to give in to the demands of Julius Caesar. Caesar has killed Pompey and taken over Rome, and Pompey’s widow Emilia is trying to avenge the death of her husband. Meanwhile, Cato’s daughter Marzia loves Ceasar, but Cato wants her to marry his ally Arbace. Caesar’s ally Fulvio loves Emilia, and when Cato’s army is defeated, the Senator is executed. In the end, Marzia marries Ceasar, Emilia leaves in disgrace, and a heartbroken Arbace is resigned to his fate.

By bringing Catone to disc, Carlo Ipata is celebrating the pasticcio, especially those curated by George Frederic Handel, as is the case wtih this new Glossa release. In a co-production involving the Fondazione Teatro di Pisa and the Handel Festpiele Halle, Ipata brings a further slant on Handel's oepratic career in London: whilst being busy with running the second Royal Academy of Music and writing his own operas, the composer was striving to present London audiences with selections from the best of recent Italian operas by other composers - all at the same time as giving his star singers the opportunity to show off early in the opera company's season. One result was Catone in 1732, with music by Leo, Hasse, Vivaldi, Vinci, Porpora as well as by Handel himself: company members included Senesino, Anna Maria Strada del Po and Antonio Montagnana.



01. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Sinfonia - Auser Musici
02. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: Tutto ha sconvolto - Sonia Prina
03. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Con sì bel nome in fronte - Sonia Prina
04. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: M'ami Arbace? - Kristina Hammarstr?m
05. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Non ti minaccio sdegno - Lucia Cirillo
06. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: Che giurai! Che promisi! - Kristina Hammarstr?m
07. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Un raggio di speme - Kristina Hammarstr?m
08. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: Senz'armi e solo - Sonia Prina
09. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Pensa di chi sei figlia - Sonia Prina
10. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: Tu taci Emilia? - Roberta Invernizzi
11. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Non paventa del mar le procelle - Riccardo Novaro
12. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: Sposo amato - Roberta Invernizzi
13. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Priva del caro sposo - Roberta Invernizzi
14. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: Pur ti riveggio, o Marzia - Riccardo Novaro
15. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Vaghe labbra voi fingete - Roberta Invernizzi
16. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: Ah, troppo dissi! E quasi tutto Emilia - Lucia Cirillo
17. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: è follia se nascondete - Lucia Cirillo
18. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: Il senato a Catone - Sonia Prina
19. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Mi conosci e sai chi sono? - Sonia Prina
20. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: Dunque il servirti - Kristina Hammarstr?m
21. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Vaghe luci, luci belle - Kristina Hammarstr?m
22. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Recitative: A tanto eccesso giunse Catone? - Riccardo Novaro
23. Catone, HWV A7, Act I: Act I: Aria: Agitato da più venti - Riccardo Novaro


01. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: Si vuole ad onta mia - Sonia Prina
02. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: So che nascondi - Riccardo Novaro
03. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: Signor, so che a momenti - Kristina Hammarstr?m
04. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: Dovea svenarti all'ora - Sonia Prina
05. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: Sarete paghi al fin - Kristina Hammarstr?m
06. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: Fra tanti pensieri - Roberta Invernizzi
07. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: Ah Cesare che fai? - Lucia Cirillo
08. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: Confusa, smarrita spiegarti vorrei - Lucia Cirillo
09. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: M'inganno, o pur Cesare è questi? - Kristina Hammarstr?m
10. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: Quando piomba improvvisa saetta - Kristina Hammarstr?m
11. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: Del rivale all'aita - Riccardo Novaro
12. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: è ver che all'amo intorno - Riccardo Novaro
13. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: è giunto il tempo - Roberta Invernizzi
14. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: Vede il nocchier la sponda - Roberta Invernizzi
15. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: Lascia che un'alma grata - Riccardo Novaro
16. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: Vede il nocchier la sponda - Roberta Invernizzi
17. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: Vinceste inique stelle - Sonia Prina
18. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: Per darvi alcun pegno - Sonia Prina
19. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Sinfonia (Marcia) - Auser Musici
20. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Recitative: Del vincitore è il moderar se stesso - Riccardo Novaro
21. Catone, HWV A7, Act II: Act II: Aria: Vo solcando un mar crudele - Lucia Cirillo

TT: 125:11

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