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霍洛维茨卡耐基音乐厅合辑 Vladimir Horowitz live at Carnegie Hall Sony 41CD [FLAC整轨]

发布者: 记得我爱你 | 发布时间: 2016-7-16 16:31| 查看数: 7057| 评论数: 29|帖子模式

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弗拉基米尔·霍洛维茨在卡耐基音乐厅演出全集 索尼出品 Vladimir Horowitz live at Carnegie Hall Sony 41CD

弗拉基米尔·霍洛维茨(Vladimir Horowitz,1903-1989),世界最负盛名的钢琴家之一,美籍俄罗斯人。很早就显露音乐天才,先后师从俄罗斯和德国的演奏大师,集俄罗斯学派与德国学派之大成。1924年到柏林、巴黎举行旅行演出,获很大成功。1928年赴美,与托马斯·比彻姆爵士指挥的纽约爱乐合作,在布什戈尔茨钢琴上演奏出柴科夫斯基钢琴协奏曲,一举成名[1]  。之后定居美国。曾停止演奏达十二年之久,1965年,在卡内基大厅举行重返舞台的独奏音乐会,轰动世界乐坛。

霍洛维茨卡耐基音乐厅合辑 Vladimir Horowitz live at Carnegie Hall Sony 41CD介绍
Editorial Reviews
Sony Music Entertainment presents Vladimir Horowitz Live at Carnegie Hall, a deluxe CD edition that gathers together the complete RCA and Columbia recitals that the legendary pianist recorded live at Carnegie Hall between 1951 and 1978 including eight previously unreleased complete concerts, as well as 48 works in previously unreleased recordings all on 41 CDs and a DVD.

Since Horowitz accurately claimed that he never played any piece the same way twice, piano-lovers now have the opportunity to hear multiple performances of certain works, and to compare how Horowitz responds to different audiences on different days with variations in nuance, tone color, touch, dynamics, tempo, phrasing, and pedaling.

This deluxe edition is accompanied by a 300-pages hardcover book with an introduction by Jed Distler profiling Horowitz and his special relationship with Carnegie Hall, a brief history of Carnegie Hall, an introduction to the previously unreleased recordings from Horowitz's Private Collection, and facsimiles of concert flyers and tickets, as well as comprehensive track listings and historic photographs.

Vladimir Horowitz live at Carnegie Hall Sony 41CD精选曲目试听

霍洛维茨卡耐基音乐厅合辑 Vladimir Horowitz live at Carnegie Hall Sony 曲目
DISC 1 April 25, 1943, Carnegie Hall, (live)
DISC 2/3 January 17, 1949, Carnegie Hall, (live) includes 11 previously unreleased recorded works
DISC 4/5 February 21, 1949, Carnegie Hall, (live) previously unreleased except for 1 work
DISC 6/7 March 20, 1950, Carnegie Hall, (live) includes 13 previously unreleased recorded works
DISC 8/9 March 5, 1951, Carnegie Hall, (live)
DISC 10/11 April 23, 1951, Carnegie Hall, (live) - includes 4 previously unreleased recorded works
DISC 12 January 12, 1953, Carnegie Hall, (live) previously unreleased
DISC 13/14 February 25, 1953, Carnegie Hall, (live) includes 3 previously unreleased recorded works
DISC 15/16 May 9, 1965, Carnegie Hall, (live)
DISC 17/18 April 17, 1966, Carnegie Hall, (live) includes 6 previously unreleased recorded works
DISC 19/20 November 27, 1966, Carnegie Hall, (live) includes 8 previously unreleased recorded works
DISC 21/22 December 10, 1966, Carnegie Hall, (live) includes 8 previously unreleased recorded works
DISC 23/24 November 26, 1967, Carnegie Hall, (live) includes 14 previously unreleased recorded works
DISC 25 January 2, 1968, Carnegie Hall, (live, invited audience) - previously unreleased
DISC 26 February 1, 1968, Carnegie Hall, (live, invited audience)
DISC 27/28 November 24, 1968, Carnegie Hall, (live) - previously unreleased
DISC 29/30 December 15, 1968, Carnegie Hall, (live) - includes 5 previously unreleased recorded works
DISC 31/32 November 16, 1975, Carnegie Hall, (live)
DISC 33/34 November 23, 1975, Carnegie Hall, (live) - previously unreleased except for 1 work
DISC 35/36 May 18, 1976, Carnegie Hall, (live) DISC 37 January 8, 1978, Carnegie Hall, (live)
DISC 38 Horowitz' "Private Collection" of Carnegie Hall live recordings 1945-1946 Compilation
DISC 39 Horowitz' "Private Collection" 1947 Compilation
DISC 40 Horowit' "Private Collection" 1948 Compilation
DISC 41 Horowitz' "Private Collection" 1949-1960 Compilation
Bonus-DVD January 2 and February 1, 1968: Horowitz on Television previously unreleased
霍洛维茨卡耐基音乐厅合辑 Vladimir Horowitz live at Carnegie Hall Sony 41CD 无损音乐下载


罗福学 发表于 2016-7-16 16:39:04
张伯松 发表于 2016-7-16 16:48:41
weni_cn 发表于 2016-7-16 16:53:32
simontown 发表于 2016-7-16 17:02:49
菓菓 发表于 2016-7-16 17:16:29
光阴猎手 发表于 2016-7-16 17:24:42
iyzyouyu 发表于 2016-7-16 17:28:52
谢谢了啊 我特别爱好这类类无损音乐的呢
xcnwgyvlmt 发表于 2016-7-16 17:37:58
onecookie 发表于 2016-7-16 17:51:48
真心好听, 谢谢楼主  感谢你的分享


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